Our Daughter From China

This Blog shares our journey to bring home our daughter from China. It tells something of her story and of our story with her.

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Nose Matters

We've been trying to bolster Rebecca's early language skills, and had a joyous breakthrough today. Riding home in the car from visiting grandpa, who had just had his gallbladder removed, she delighted us. I heard her repeating something, so looked over my shoulder to see her touching her nose again and again and saying "nose," "nose"!

Friday, August 10, 2007

Down a Tube-Slide at Lee Street Park

Daddy and Rebecca have a great time with our sliding.

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

SeeSaws Can Be A Lot of Fun


Rebecca often enjoys a seesaw ride, and she holds on with a pretty strong grip! She never comes close to falling off, even when the ride gets a bit bumpy (which she especially loves!).

Sunday, August 05, 2007

Rachel and Joseph Have Got Jennifer Rose!

Our friends Joseph and Rachel are in China, and got their daughter Jennifer Rose today after a 2+ year wait! For details, click here. We are so very happy for them, and Rebecca can't wait to meet adorable, beautiful "J-Ro"!

Rachel, Joseph, and Jennifer Rose